It is possible to completely get off the Sex Offender Registry in Massachusetts after you’ve been on it for a number of years. Depending on the offense, some people are designated to be on the registry for life while others must be on it for 20 years. However, only if you’re scheduled to be on the registry for 20 years, can you apply for early termination at halftime after 10 years. That is 10 years after conviction, adjudication, release from custody, or supervision such as probation – whichever occurs last.

To qualify, you must not have committed another sex offense within those years since your conviction. The burden of proof is on the Sex Offender Registry Board to prove by clear and convincing proof the appropriateness of your remaining on the Registry. The sex offender does, however, retain an initial burden of production to introduce evidence of changed circumstances showing that he or she “does not pose a risk to reoffend or a danger to the public.” The offender needs to come up with “new information” of a decreased risk of reoffense or degree of dangerousness since the last time you were before the board for determination of your classification level or the last time you requested early termination if you ever did so.

In order to apply for an early termination, you must make the request in writing. Then you have a choice – either request an actual hearing before the board or simply submit in writing the reasons why it would be appropriate to terminate your obligation and include whatever documentation you have to offer.

Click here to learn more about preparing for the Sex Offender Registry Board


Are you interested in terminating your obligation to register with the Sex Offender Registry? Contact expert criminal defense lawyer Peter Elikann today for a free legal consult.



05/06/2024 by Gordon fuller

I've been on registry for 19 years and recently had my legs amputated , I'm in need of emergency housing and am restricted from housing in my area.,due to registry restrictions and I've gotten clean for approx. 7.years. since getting on dialsys

03/11/2024 by Philip Bone

I'm trying to get my sex offens level lowered or remove ine been on since 2018 never had any problems always register on time I lived in Illinois and do to the time that my alleged crime took place I would have been able to get off I was considered a low likelihood to reafind but when I came here they changed it to a level 3 so I was wondering how to get it lowered like I said never been in trouble before or since in anyway

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